National School Lunch Program

The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) was established to provide nutritionally balanced school lunch meals at a low cost to children each school day.   Eligible children may receive meals at a free or reduced price. The program reimburses schools with federally-funded dollars for meals that comply with the USDA’s nutrition standards.  NSLP operates in Hawaii public schools, public charter schools, nonprofit private schools, and residential child care facilities.

SY 2022-23SY 2021-22SY 2018-19SY 2017-18SY 2016-17

The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) was implemented as a result of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010.  It is one of the federal provisions to increase access to the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program while decreasing the administrative burden at the Local Educational Agency (LEA) level; specifically through an alternative method for claiming student meals in high poverty schools.

Beginning July 1, 2011, LEAs and schools in Illinois, Kentucky, and Michigan were the first states selected by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to pilot the CEP.  On July 1, 2012, the USDA added Ohio, New York, District of Columbia, and West Virginia; and on July 1, 2013 they added the final states of Florida, Georgia, Maryland, and Massachusetts.  The CEP is available nationwide in School Year 2014-15.

HCNP highly encourages participation in the CEP for a school with an Identified Student Percentage over 40 percent.  Identified students are qualified to receive a meal at no cost through Direct Certification, including students certified as homeless, runaway, migrant, foster, children enrolled in a federally funded Head Start program, and non applicant students approved by the LEA.


CEP Data Collection Form Webinar 2018

CEP Fact Sheet


CEP Financial Considerations for School Business Officials

CEP Increasing ISP with Direct Certification

CEP Letter to Household (For Schools Continuing CEP)

CEP Letter to Household (For Schools New to CEP)

CEP Press Release

Community Eligibility Provision Overview and Timeline Series 2017

FRAC CEP Kickoff Webinar

Strategies for Finding Success with CEP

Taking a Fresh Look at CEP Presentation Slides

SY 2017-18 CEP Annual Notification of Eligibility

SY 2018-19 CEP Annual Notification of Eligibility

SY 2019-20 CEP Annual Notification of Eligibility

SY 2020-21 CEP Annual Notification of Eligibility

SY 2021-22 CEP Annual Notification of Eligibility

SY 2022-23 CEP Annual Notification of Eligibility

SY 2023-24 CEP Annual Notification of Eligibility

SY 2024-25 CEP Annual Notification of Eligibility

Proposed Rule – CEP – Federal Regulations, VR

SP61-2016 Community Eligibility Provision – Planning & Implementation (Memo)

SP61-2016 Community Eligibility Provision: Planning and Implementation Guidance

Free and Reduced Price ApplicationHCNP SystemsLocal Wellness PolicyMeal Counting and Point of Service ReviewNon-Program Revenue CalculatorNSLP Program ResourcesPaid Lunch Equity ToolParticipating SponsorsProduction Record and Transport Daily RecordProfessional StandardsProvision 2Seamless Summer Option (SSO)Smart SnacksSpecial Dietary NeedsTranslationsVerification
Free and Reduced Price Application Translations

Chuukese:  Parent Letter /Instructions for Meal Application /Meal Application 16-17

Hawaiian:  Parent Letter /Instructions for Meal Application /Meal Application 16-17

Marshallese:  Parent Letter /Instructions for Meal Application /Meal Application 16-17 (To view, you must download font package)

Tongan:  Parent Letter /Instructions for Meal Application /Meal Application 16-17

PLEASE NOTE:  Attached are the fonts for the Marshallese translation, in which the schools will need to download and install them before opening the Marshallese packet.  Otherwise, the special characters will show as different symbols and will not make any sense. Marshallese fonts (.zip file)

 For more information about NSLP contact: 

[email protected] – Program Specialist

[email protected] – Program Specialist