Waivers and COVID-19
CEP Mid-Year Election for Maui Island SY 2023-24 Due to August Maui Fires
Meal Pattern Flexibility Natural Disaster 2023_24
NSLP Flexibility During a Natural Disaster
Non Congregate Natural Disaster 2023_24
Waiver Request for CEP Mid-Year Election
Waiver Request for Seamless Summer Option (SSO) for All Students on Maui Island
P-EBT Requirements
For questions about Summer P-EBT benefits call 1-888-975-PEBT(7328).
More information is available on the Dept. of Human Services site: Summer P-EBT Benefits
Dining Guide for Meals in the Classroom
“The Dining Guide for Meals in the Classroom is designed to help you easily communicate your district procedures for serving meals in the classroom (MIC) to key stakeholders within their school community. MIC could refer to breakfast, lunch, supper and/or snacks.
As schools reopen following COVID-19 closures, districts will utilize different scenarios for feeding students. We have developed a suite of resources to help school nutrition professionals communicate with all stakeholders plans and procedures for eating in the classroom. Please note: This guide is not intended to provide guidance or training for school nutrition department staff.
To use this guide most effectively, already have your plans and policies in place. Each template is an editable Word document where you can customize and adjust as needed for sharing with the intended stakeholder group.”
Instructions and FAQs:
Meal Schedule Table + Instructions
Resources for Educators:
Resources for Principals:
Resources for Health Professionals/School Nurse:
Resources for Front Office Staff:
Resources for Custodial Staff:
Resources for Paraprofessional Staff:
Resources for Families:
SY 21-22 SSO Waiver Request Form
- IMPORTANT REMINDER_HCNP’s Seamless Summer Option Waiver Form
- SY 21-22 SSO Waiver Request Spreadsheet
SY 21-22 Meal Service Waiver Request Form – NSLP/SBP
- IMPORTANT REMINDER_SY 20-21 NSLPSBP Meal Service Waiver Form
- SY 21-22 NSLP/SBP Waiver Request Spreadsheet
Administrative Review Flexibility Waiver Request
Administrative Review Flexibility Waiver Request 2023
School Meals Porgrams Comparison Table of Flexibilities for SY 2021-22 and SY 2022-23
Summer 2022 and SY 2022-23 Child Nutrition Programs 24 Waiver Options Request
Waiver Request to Disregard Water Requirement for NSLP/SBP/CACFP/ASP
Waiver Request to Extend CEP Deadlines
Waiver Request to Serve Meals Due to a School Closure Related to the Novel Coronavirus
Waiver of Local Wellness Policy Triennial Assessment in NSLP and SBP
Waiver Request to Serve Meals During the Summer During the Novel Coronavirus
Waiver Request for NSLP/Procurement/CACFP/SSO/SFSP/SBP/FFVP Monitoring
Waiver Request for Flexibility in the Limit of Carryover Funds
HCNP Waivers SY 2020-2023
The following waiver extensions have been granted to the State of Hawaii:
Administrative Review SA expires 6/30/2022
FSMC Contract Duration expires 6/30/2022
Meal Pattern Flexibility expires 9/30/2021
Meal Service Time expires 9/30/2021
Non-Area Eligibility expires 09/30/2021
Non-Congregate Feeding expires 6/30/2021
On-site Monitoring CACFP Sponsors expires 6/30/2022
On-site Monitoring CACFP SA expires 6/30/2022
On-site Monitoring School Meals expires 6/30/2021
On-site Monitoring SFSP Sponsors expires 9/30/2021
On-site Monitoring SFSP SA expires 9/30/2021
Parent/Guardian Meal Pick up expires 9/30/2021
COVID-19 Webinar Series 1
The 2020 Safe Food Handler PPT
COVID-19 Webinar Series 2
Managing Personnel During COVID-19
Managing Personnel During COVID-19 PPT
Lessons Learned: The New Normal
The Mix Up Podcast – Kevin Frank
Lessons Learned from Serving Summer Meals During Pandemic and Transitioning Back to School