SUN Meals (Summer Food Service Program)

During the school year, nutritious meals are available to students through the NSLP and SBP; however these programs stop with the end of the school year.  The SUN Meals (Summer Food Service Program) is a federal program made available to eligible areas to ensure that children receive nutritious meals throughout the year.  This program merges summer activity programs with a federal meal reimbursement program.

 For a map of SUN Meal sites look under the Site Data tab below. SUN Meal sites will be indicated by a red marker.



PY 2020 Area Eligibility Waiver

PY 2020 Closed Enrolled Sites Waiver

PY 2020 Congregate Feeding Meal Time Waiver

PY 2020 First Week Site Visits Waiver

PY 2020 Offer Versus Serve Waiver

PY 2020 Non-Congregate Feeding Waiver

PY 2020 Physical Presence Waiver

The following waiver extensions have been granted to the State of Hawaii:

Meal Pattern Flexibility expires 6/30/2021

Meal Service Time expires 6/30/2021

Non-Congregate Feeding expires 6/30/2021

Parent/Guardian Meal Pick up expires 6/30/2021

On-site Monitoring CACFP Sponsors expires 9/30/2021

On-site Monitoring CACFP SA expires 9/30/2021

On-site Monitoring School Meals expires 6/30/2021

On-site Monitoring SFSP Sponsors expires 9/30/2021

On-site Monitoring SFSP SA expires 9/30/2021

Non-Area Eligibility expires 6/30/2021

For more information about SUN Meals contact: 

[email protected] – Program Specialist